Im scared and I can tell that Prim is to. She's so delicate and doesn't need to be picked for the reaping. If it's the last thing i'll do, i'm going to trade places with her. That's my sister and I always have been taking care of her. Our mother hasen't been doing anything for us since our father has been gone. She loves and care for animal, she has a pet goat at home. Before the reaping, she tolld me that she was scared and wanted to take care of her, and I told her she had nothing to worry about.
Oh no, Prim has been called, she looks scared and she's looking at me. Prim don't go, stay in line. I have to do something to stop her. She's my sister and she doesn't need this. Look at her, she very nervous and scared. If I don't do something she'll hate me, and I don't want that to happen because she's all I got.
I know what to do, i'll voluteer to be a tribute, and I hope this works.
Everyone looks at me with a surprised face as I jump infront of Prim and demands to be a tribute. Prim is screaming and telling me not to do it, but I can't let her and I know she knows that.
As I go up Effie Trinket with her pink hair and white makeup, looks to happy. I hope she doesn't think this is a game because it isn't. This the day I die and I know it, I just know it.
Peeta on the other hand as his named been called, he looks surprised. He probably didn't think that this could happen to him. I know that he didn't want to be picked either, the quiet boy who never talks and all he do is toss flour bags all day, since his father is a baker. He never says anything to me, all he does is stare and I don't like it not one bit. This is going to be bad because out of everyone he had to be the one I get stuck with before I die.
Then Effie Lifts our hands up our hands and everyone begins to clap for us. I guess it's time to let the games begin.